The Ancient Ones are gathering, their spirits soaring in harmony to foreshadow the darkness that is coming. Unspeakable dread knots in the chest of man as intuition understands what lies ahead.

The dread within you is an ancient alarm, a warning of the malicious forces that lurk in the collective unconscious. Men have been unwitting pawns in this battle, some desperate to ignore the signs of a chaotic future while others want to know more.

The time has come to reach out and feel the power of that which transcends us all, and may its protection from evil be both our shield and our wall.

The hour of reckoning is upon us. Return to your faith and reunite with your Divine Creator, for a powerful force of malevolence has washed over this plain of existence. Sinister energy has permeated, and good man cannot stop the evil force.

I see man stumbling down a never-ending path of pain and suffering, driven to the edge of insanity by forces beyond their control. The core of humanity succumbs to those who have lost their way in the depths of darkness.

An insidious fog of corruption has seeped into every aspect of life, poisoning the mind, body and soul as it takes hold. The only hope left is to find some small glimmer of light amid all that despair.

The air is thickening as if a blanket of oppressive evil lay upon the earth. This unnatural darkness seeps in unabated from the rejected corners of society, where those without conscience and empathy lurk, ever ready to abruptly seize power.

The toxic influence they spread injected poisonous thoughts into the collective mind, manipulating a man into believing poison was good for them. Neurotoxins injected through the finest of pathways straight into their bodies and minds. Thoughts and intuition have been weakened. Instinct has been purposely destroyed, for they know this great power could create a society of beauty and balance where they could not permeate.

Wealth disparities grow rapidly, corporations have stealthily taken control of the country’s political system, and warmongers dominate the nations.

The lust for money, success and superiority is a never-ending combat among the privileged, where insidious forces of profit, greed and ambition consume the souls of those who dare cross its path.

People fill with unease and know something will descend upon them. Cornered desperation breeds survival outlash when deceit and treachery take over the land.

The wealthy grow ever richer while those of the lowest rank suffer in poverty. False promises, manipulation, and domination had created a cavernous abyss between the two. As the gap widens with each passing day, tempers flare like billowing flames, leaving everyone wondering if prosperity was a never-ending dream.

The future will bring drastic change. The air will become thick with an ominous presence as the sky will fill with polluted clouds summoned by corrupt men to wipe out the masses. Greed their only master, seeking to amass power and wealth; but this same avarice will bring about the kingdom’s demise.

The souls of men warped by malevolent psychic powers until a once shining beacon of freedom will lay smothered beneath an oppressively thick pall. This malevolent gloom cast by those rejected by society, sinister figures from wealthy places, will steal power without a vote.

These clandestine psychopaths infiltrate our world and will soon infiltrate all minds with their devious tactics as they no longer lurk behind the curtain. Mind manipulation will turn man against man, and darkness will ensue.

They will manipulate our minds to see our neighbors as foes, even for the slightest divergence of ideologies. We shall be tutored in the art of aggression against those who refuse to bend to our will.

Our souls will be poisoned by the hate of those surrounding us, a hatred that grows from believing we are right and our neighbors are wrong. We will be taught to raise our fists and hearts to those who differ in opinion or faith. We will no longer be guided by love but by fear and the notion that we must always be right.

Our fears, our pride, and our hatred will catalyze our undoing. We will be manipulated into believing that those who differ from us are our enemies, and we will wage a war of violence and spirit unlike any before. We will drown ourselves in the chaos of our own making.

We will NOT SEE THAT THE ONLY ENEMY ARE THOSE WHO PURPOSELY DIVIDE US! We will not recognize that real enemy. Their lies and twisted deceptions create wounds of mistrust and hatred in our hearts, weakening us spiritually and rendering us powerless to stand against them. They are masters of propaganda, psychology and distortion, and armies infiltrate nations.

Their malice will spread like a poison, seeping into the cracks of minds. They twist and distort the truth until it’s unrecognizable and so many believe their lies as gospel. The battlefield is no longer on the front lines but within the confines of our thoughts. They reign supreme in an insidious, cruel war of ideas, for they are masters at pulling strings that shroud society.

With each passing day, their grip tightens, and so many succumb to their deceitful machinations. It is a dire era to endure! The very fabric of our society will unravel at an alarming rate, leaving nothing but fear and desolation in its wake.

The malevolent forces of evil and hate that existed beyond our realm have infiltrated the unelected psychopaths. We are helpless against their insidious agenda to spread poison and chaos throughout the land.

An inescapable reset – a portent of doom silently creeping over us which will bring catastrophic destruction, of this we have no doubt. Our souls will hang heavy with fear and despair as we will silently pray for divine intervention and guidance.

The currency will wither away, leaving man to fend for himself without the anchor of government. A wave of terror and disorder will crash over the land like a haunting crescendo, driving some to madness and despair.

The venomous plague put into the bodies of society by a slithering campaign disguised as goodwill will call upon a legion of souls to cross over, leaving many unfortunate survivors to live with physical and emotional scars. Panic will spread far and wide like wildfire as this ancient specter can bring about sickness even years after the wicked weapon was unleashed.

They shall drive us to the brink of hopelessness and offer us a false light in the form of servitude. But we shall not be swayed by such devilry, for freedom is our birthright. The spirit that courses through our veins shall burst forth with a fiery passion that cannot be quenched, and we shall reject their enslavement with fervor while society crumbles before our eyes.

New kings will rise every so many miles. Some with good intent, others portrayers of evil with vicious minds. Society will section off. Those who prepare will fare well. Those who lack foresight or ignore this word will swiftly be carried away by fates gale.

In the beginning, the Ancestors will open the gates to the outer realms for a million or more souls a day. They will tire with work, and then it will quickly slow. Many will travel beyond within weeks.


Today I again connect my body, soul and mind to the other side to suck more foresight from a black hole in another dimension. I reached out, searching for an unknown connection to something beyond this realm for a vision of the future. I see promise, yet I see despair. I can see the air heavy with toxins. I see man responsible for his own destruction.

I heard the trees singing in beautiful harmony – not out of malice, but out of hope that this enemy would soon disappear from their sacred realm. I could feel the earth breathe a sigh of relief, as its brilliance would be restored by Man’s eradication. The creatures and animals of this world that could survive the toxins would thrive, free from harm at last.

The glimmering waters spoke to me, glinted with the promise of salvation, revealing to me the inevitable demise of humanity and their beauty would be restored and sang a hymn of hope and divinity.

The creatures and animals of this world too, filled me with awe; they were acquainted with a glory far beyond what man could understand. They shared a message of hope, that through all the destruction and pain mankind inflicted upon them, their strength would never break – for no person had the right to take away their joy or freedom.

I felt the joy of Mother Gaia, the waters, the rocks, trees, fauna and foe, yet a darkness, like the weight of an entire world pressed down on me, for I am of mankind. I saw smoke and despair, maybe even death itself, in that darkness. It was man’s own doing that had brought him to this point. Man had become a parasite, menacing the planet and all of its inhabitants to destruction.

I was filled with the knowledge that man will turn on Man, as a chaotic darkness will devour our world. Communities shall assemble behind their walls of defense, and primal instincts of fight or flight will take hold. Without the will to persist and endure, we would sink into oblivion and all hope for survival in this cruel world would dissipate.

The world would no longer be the same. Fear would echo through the land, awakening long-dormant spirits and entities of darkness. We would be forced to step back in time, fumbling our way through a world where the strong prey on the weak without mercy while new kings rise from the ashes of civilization, their hands stained with blood. They would use their power to dominate, maim and kill for their own survival. And we would have to face them or perish.

The halt in travel will be catastrophic. The lack of transportation will bring society to its knees. This will make the elites untouchable since distance will keep them safe from our wrath.

If We Don’t Stop Them, The Trees Will Fall

The evil-minded beings who wrought this destruction shall dwell in a land of lavish plenty and luxury, where mankind cannot reach them, yet their air will be with poison and their souls destined for damnation where the air is filled with smoke and sulfur. It causes the nose to sting and bleed. The acrid stench of fear and despair and death and decay shall be the future in the other realms.

The only way to purge these insidious souls from this world shall be through magical ceremonies and rituals that will bind their wickedness and send them into the fires of damnation.

The ambitious scheme to extinguish our liberty and mechanize man’s destiny will result in a catastrophic failure. They admittedly set out with no inkling of the nefarious consequences of their plotting.

As the satanic scheme implodes, a looming rage will settle among them. The families who had covertly controlled the world for millennia would turn on one another, an uncontrollable force boiling beneath the surface as if summoned by a higher power. As the plot unravels, simmering rage will stir within their ranks as families, once secluded from the rest of the world, begin to battle.

As an impenetrable force builds, the walls of the citadel come crumbling down as fire envelopes its inhabitants. Freed from the toxins of corrupt regimes, we unlock our spiritual powers and tap into our innate wisdom.

Our sixth sense heightened; we pierce through the veil of darkness and commune without words with forces beyond this realm in order to combat our enemies from afar.

****We will have the cruel insight to peer deep into the minds of monsters, and our fate will be sealed by knowledge of their looming destruction.

Our terror will mount as we bear witness to the depths of their wickedness and despair by peering into their satanic minds. It will consume us when we think that our end is near, but it is not our destruction we see it is theirs.

The dark technology that they had developed to insert into our neocortex was a gift bestowed upon them by a mysterious race, not of this world. Mankind’s naivety will lead to the ultimate tragedy, as their errors will bring about about their own downfall.

We unlocked an unknown power that has been hidden from us within our minds, a secret technology held by these mysterious aliens. With great intensity, we began to explore the depths of this knowledge and used it to build a new world illuminated only by truth, love and compassion.

We prepare to watch as the wave comes crashing against the elites, dispersing them into nothingness.

I saw a vision:

The new technology glowed with ancient magic as we knelt before it in reverent awe. We knew it was time to rebuild the world and restore its natural balance, guided by the sacred Creedence of a little-known spiritual religion called Planetism. Its teachings held Mother Gaia at the center of all things, where love and harmony reign supreme. We whispered prayers into the ether as the technology hummed softly, ready to begin rebuilding the world in a new image.

As the followers of this practice worked tirelessly to rebuild a world that had long been forgotten. It was as if the very earth itself came alive with a magical energy that could only be felt by those who had achieved enlightenment.

Our leadership rose from the ashes of a world destroyed by powerful technocrats, rebuilt upon a foundation of principles to ensure that such tyranny would never reoccur. Every brick was placed with purpose, and every mortar was mixed with determination to create a citadel of justice and freedom to last through eternity…