The WHO’s risky pandemic treaty will, if accepted, grant them unprecedented control over societies and their citizens.

  • Human rights will be overridden.
  • Dissenters will be silenced through censorship per the agreement.
  • This will be enforced through digital passports.
  • All nations must adhere to the single “official” narrative if the WHO declares a “pandemic” without guidelines.
  • This coup is underway in the guise of pandemic preparedness and biosecurity.

If nations do not actively voice their opposition to these revisions, the adjustments will become binding in 194 countries at the beginning of 2025. 

Our government quietly enforces oppressive policies that will have dire consequences for all of us. Ignorance of these policies is no excuse; it’s time to wake up and take action. Unless we demand change, our country will be controlled by authoritarian forces that threaten our freedom and liberty. 

If approved, the WHO will dictate your life under the pretext of pandemic security.

The WHO can declare a pandemic without standards, and all must obey. They will have the ability to:

Watch The Highwire interview with Del Big Tree, a fearless crusader for truth and justice who exposes fraud and corruption—and now our dystopian future.

  • Mandating face masks.
  • Requiring vaccines and boosters that are approved in 100 days or less.
  • Decide which drugs can and cannot be used.
  • Enforce digital passports.
  • Take away your freedom of speech.
  • Close business.
  • Enforce draconian policies and stipulate your daily routine as punishment for not accepting the vaccine.
  • Embark on a relentless campaign of coercion, pushing you to submit without offering a choice.
  • Require governments to enforce censorship and push a single narrative, suppressing the truth.
  • Bind states to enforce the treaty.
  • Provide liability shields to the pharmaceutical industry.

One Health is part of this program, enabling the WHO to take over every jurisdiction worldwide.

Global Surveillance and Forced Procedures

The World Health Organization has initiated a worldwide procedure to assemble and negotiate a treaty entitled “Zero Draft of the International Instrument on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response.” If adopted, this agreement will significantly consolidate the power of the WHO by binding its member nations, including the US, under its guidelines during epidemics. Moreover, it will only expand the extent of global surveillance and bolster the government’s capacity to observe every aspect of our day-to-day activities.

The WHO is taking steps to shape how global health crises will be addressed in the foreseeable future. This would involve a new Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the existing International Health Regulations, outlining identical medical treatments and restrictions applicable to all. Negotiations concerning these documents are underway, and we must act against this treaty.  

Your politicians have already passed legislation that says the US will approve and participate in the treaty.

If approved and the WHO declares an emergency like they did with Monkeypox, this is your future. It gives the WHO complete control over any health crisis’s guidelines. They can easily declare global warming a health crisis after this is passed, so I don’t think we need a pandemic.

We MUST Push Back.

Listen to me, and listen well! The proposed WHO CA+ Framework Convention, also known as the “Pandemic Treaty,” is an authoritative document and will change your life and remove your freedoms.

We the People must raise our voice in vehement opposition against this egregious international agreement.

The very fate of humanity rests on stopping these negotiations dead in their tracks, with no delay or compromise. Act now, or watch civilization crumble before your eyes. – The Assembly of Natural Awakening

Vaccines are against our religion. Depleting oxygen and promoting disease by wearing a mask is against our religion. This treaty violates our civil rights and must be stopped.  —The Assembly of Natural Awakening.

Write Letters to Every Single Politician

Dear Public Servant,

I DEMAND that you examine the content of the proposed WHO CA+ Framework Convention (“Pandemic Treaty”) and raise your voice in opposition to it. These negotiations MUST  immediately be put on hold.

I DEMAND that you immediately acquire the up-to-date version of the amendments (hidden from public view) to the International Health Regulations and bring forth these documents into public knowledge so we may all have access to their contents and raise your voice in opposition to it.

I DEMAND that you drop everything and read the 307 proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). These changes are being negotiated in secret and will destroy the civil rights and liberty of every United States citizen. You must speak out publicly against this madness before it’s too late. Stand up for what is right and put an end to these negotiations immediately!

I DEMAND  you take every action to remove the United States from the World Health Organization.