COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Deaths Evaluated – Excess Mortality
They saw an amazing rush of people who wanted to know the truth; then the Lancet removed this paper based on interests. In our opinion and the opinion of many professionals, they do not want to let the truth get out. They are silencing the truth.
Will the biopharmaceutical syndicates crush any paper such as this so the world cannot see the data?
Preprint Open Access
Nicolas Hulscher, BS; Paul E. Alexander, PhD; Richard Amerling, MD; Heather Gessling, MD; Roger Hodkinson, MD; William Makis, MD; Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD; Mark Trozzi, MD; Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.
Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.
Interpretation: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms, and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.
We show you some of the most important data; the original paper is not highlighted. We highlighted it since most of our readers do not read medical journals and may only scour the information. What is highlighted is what stood out to our medical investigative journalists.
A database search yielded 678 studies that had potential to meet our inclusion criterion. 562 duplicates were screened out. Out of the remaining 116
papers, 36 met our specified inclusion criterion. Through further analysis of references, we located 18 additional papers, with 8 of them meeting our inclusion criterion. In total, we found 44 studies that contained autopsy or necropsy reports of COVID-19 vaccinees (Figure 1).
Table 1 summarizes the 44 studies 16-59
There were a total of 325 autopsy cases and 1 necropsy case (heart). The mean age of death was 70.4 years and there were 139 females (42.6%). Most received a Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (41%), followed by Sinovac (37%), AstraZeneca (13%), Moderna (7%), Johnson & Johnson (1%), and Sinopharm (1%).
The cardiovascular system was most frequently implicated (53%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (8%), multiple organ systems (7%),
neurological (4%), immunological (3%), and gastrointestinal (1%). In 7% of cases, the cause of death was either unknown, non-natural (drowning, head injury, etc.) or infection (Figure 2). One organ system was affected in 302 cases, two in 3 cases, three in 8 cases, and four or more in 13 cases (Figure 3).
The number of days from vaccination until death was 14.3 (mean), 3 (median) irrespective of dose, 7.8 (mean), 3 (median) after one dose, 23.2 (mean), 2 (median) after two doses, and 5.7 (mean), 2 (median) after three doses. The distribution of days from last vaccine administration to death is highly right skewed, showing that most of the deaths occurred within a week from last vaccination (Figure 4). 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated by three physicians to be significantly linked to COVID-19 vaccination (Table S1). Among adjudicators, there was complete independent agreement (all three physicians) of vaccination causing or contributing to death in 203 cases (62.5%). The one necropsy case was judged to be linked to vaccination with complete agreement.
We found 73.9% of deaths after COVID-19 vaccination were attributable to fatal vaccine injury syndromes. The cardiovascular system was by far the most implicated organ system in death, followed by hematological, respiratory, multiple organ systems, neurological, immunological, and gastrointestinal (Figure 2), with three or more organ systems affected in 21 cases (Figure 3). The majority of deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration (Figure 4) and were independently adjudicated by three physicians to be significantly associated with
vaccination (Table S1). These results corroborate known COVID-19 vaccineinduced syndromes and show significant, temporal associations between COVID19 vaccination and death involving multiple organ systems, with a predominant implication of the cardiovascular and hematological systems. Criteria of causality from an epidemiological perspective have been met including biological plausibility, temporal association, internal and external validity, coherence, analogy, and reproducibility with each successive report of death after COVID-19 vaccination.