- Manufactured energy, food and climate crisis – Environment and Social Governance created to fast-track their agenda.
- Electric cars – The policies will drastically harm the environment and build upon the already troubling humanitarian issues.
- Left vs. right. A distraction—it’s us vs. them.
- Transhumanism – Eugenics in disguise.
- Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) – A tool for control over every aspect of your life.
- Global Digital Identity – A surveillance tool for control.
LINK – Part II – The Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, the foundation to enslave society.
Manufactured Crisis
Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) is a globalist agenda wrapped in thin sheets of deceit. It holds the seeds of forced depopulation, meant to enslave humanity through its own policies. ESG centers on environmental, social and governance; but beneath its seemingly innocuous surface lies a plan to overpower people with total control. The puppet masters behind this scheme have manufactured an Environmental and Social crisis filled with fear, creating a false narrative meant to manipulate the masses. With ESG, they are pushing forward a dangerous totalitarian agenda.
The powers that be have created a diabolical plan of mass distraction, the equity propaganda. They have worked hard to pit us against each other in an effort to keep our attention away from their dystopian policies and, thus, their stronghold on power. We must recognize the true enemy—not each other—and unite as a unified front against those trying to divide us. Only when we stand strong together will we fight and win back our freedom! It’s not only caused by this malicious propaganda but a more subtle corruption of values: we were raised in chat rooms and on social media of the internet age, taught to disrespect and argue over everything online. With every angry comment or rant, another generation was indoctrinated into believing this was normal behavior. We must take steps to tackle this new enemy, too.
All of these factors contribute to a dystopian policy landscape, one that is characterized by declining living standards, rising insecurity, and growing political polarization. To make matters worse, the very same firms that are responsible for this state of affairs are also the ones who benefit from it the most. In other words, they are able to game the system to their own advantage, leaving the rest of us to deal with the consequences.
Why are all the big corporations pummeling us with massive equity and Inclusion propaganda? Because those who do not have a high ESG score (created by the WEF) will be kicked out of the S&P 500 Equity Index like Elon Musk was. Musk said he is increasingly convinced that corporate ESG is the devil incarnate. He believes it is a scam weaponized by the social justice warriors on the far left. Although true, Musk is also in the transhumanism business. If big companies do not comply with the WEF ESG compliance, they suffer consequences, hence the massive ESG policies and the propaganda machine.
The nefarious elites have created manufactured food and energy crises for their own corrupt gain. If the people are desperate, cold, hungry and poor, will they not be willing to accept whatever radical changes the government proposes? With starving children and no means to provide for them, the populace will have no choice but to comply with a dystopian future–which those in power have ruthlessly planned out. They know that if they can weaken us enough through desperation, we won’t have the strength to resist; hence, they have deliberately destroyed the energy industry and tampered with the food supply.
And yet, even with these tactics, the sociopathic corporate agenda still needs more compliance. So, they have used brainwashing propaganda to convince sixty percent of the population that without drastic measures regarding global warming, the world will come crashing down when nothing could be further from the truth. This misguided thinking is so pervasive that people are blindly buying electric cars, which may cause a hundredfold increase in environmental degradation–something that must be addressed before this sinister Great Reset can ever be stopped.
WEF – Dystopian Agena Revealed – A Must Watch!
Yuval Noah Harari, WEF spokesperson
“In the coming decades, AI and biotechnology will give us God-like abilities to re-engineer life and even to create completely new life forms.”
“By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to reengineer the future of life itself.”
“Humans are hackable animals.”
We adamantly oppose this dystopian interference with humanity.
Stakeholder Capitalism—You Will Own Nothing—Elities Will Own Everything
The devious plot of stakeholder capitalism devised by the WEF has become painfully clear. This perverse form of cronyism drags us to a nightmarish reality where stakeholders must forsake public well-being and social justice in the desperate pursuit of profit and market share. The results are all too predictable: environmental destruction, exacerbation of income inequality, and unrest that undermines societal foundations. And if that was not bad enough, stakeholder capitalism incentivizes firms to engage in corrupt rent-seeking behavior, distorting markets and further mortgaging our future.
All of these factors contribute to a dystopian policy landscape, one that is characterized by declining living standards, rising insecurity, and growing political polarization. To make matters worse, the very same firms that are responsible for this state of affairs are also the ones who benefit from it the most. In other words, they can game the system to their own advantage, leaving the rest of us to deal with the consequences.
The tyranny of stakeholder capitalism, saturated with the insidious policies of the WEF, will plunge our world into a mire of slavery. This ‘beneficial’ system is just a façade that masks its true nature: immense inequality and cruel subjugation of the vulnerable. Low-wage workers are ensnared in an inescapable cycle of poverty, toiling for long hours for scant pay. It’s a heartless reality where those in charge profit off the suffering of others – no matter what empty promises they make.
Stakeholder capitalism is nothing more than a ploy by big businesses to climb out from under a barrage of damaging publicity – it’s their way of continuing to make money off the backs of those who can least afford it. For instance, Blackrock acquires entire neighborhoods into their portfolio, manipulating the market so that no one will be able to own any home. They want everyone to be renters.
The future looks bleak – everything will be rented, and some things will be delivered by drones. Their CBDC will have expiration dates, and there won’t be any chance to build equity or save up for anything. We don’t want to link to or embed anything from the WEF’s website, but we will put a link to their videos below.
Electric Cars —Mining, More The Real Destruction of the Environment
The mining industry that makes the batteries relies on slave labor, but they camouflage this so the electric car movement appears beneficial to the planet and the people. In reality, reports of workers being forced to work long hours in dangerous conditions for little pay have surfaced.
There is a risk of child labor being involved in the mining extraction. Cobalt mines in Congo have been linked to reports of children as young as seven working in dangerous conditions. This is a major human rights concern, underscoring the need for greater regulation in this industry, but nothing will be done. That would interfere with the agenda.
The mainstream media is a cesspool of lies and deceit, happily ignoring human rights abuses and masking the truth. Their relentless parroting of the climate hoax agenda, built on a foundation of twisted untruths, has become a malignant propaganda machine, spewing malicious false information into every corner of society.
The process of mining for the materials required to make electric car batteries is extremely energy-intensive and damaging to the natural environment. Most electric car batteries are made of cobalt, a rare metal mined in hazardous conditions for workers and the local environment. In addition, producing electric car batteries requires a significant amount of water and electricity, further exacerbating the environmental impact of these vehicles. The toxic chemicals used in the process can leach into the ground and contaminate local water supplies. In addition, the battery manufacturing process uses a lot of energy, which results in greenhouse gas emissions. The entire life cycle of an electric car – from mining and manufacturing the battery to charging it and eventually disposing of it – has a significant environmental impact. When batteries are disposed of at the end of their life, they can release heavy metals into the environment if not properly recycled.
The long list of destructive consequences of this false solution is endless. Control, not resolution, is the true aim. When fall arrives, they will assault us with an overwhelming and merciless onslaught of parroting at every turn.
Electric car batteries are typically made with lithium, cobalt, and nickel. These materials are mined in Australia, Chile, China, and Bolivia. The mining process can be very damaging to these countries’ ecosystems. For example, in Chile’s Atacama Desert, one of the world’s driest places, water is being diverted from local communities and ecosystems to support lithium mining operations. This is causing severe drought conditions in the region.
Chile’s Atacama Desert is home to many rare and endangered species of animals and plants, but mining can damage or destroy their habitats. As we mentioned, the chemicals used in lithium mining can pollute nearby water sources, causing harm to local wildlife.
Are we destroying the planet? Yes, is there reason to believe the world will be destroyed? No. It is a campaign of fear. They know how to use fear to control society. They have created a fear-based culture for control purposes. We all just lived through the most extensive fear-based campaign of our lives. Again, more on that later.
Who is destroying the planet? Those who put the absurd electric vehicle and zero emissions policy in place in the first place. The corporate cog is destroying the environment, and they want you to believe it is not them; but you are at fault.
So, do you now see how society is being manipulated? Electric cars are more eco-friendly and better for the world, my ass. So we ask you to think about this: then why are they doing it? So why has Klaus Swabb initiated the part of the agenda where you will not own a car?
Not one Sustainable Development Goal pertaining to climate change will not decrease carbon emissions or do anything for the environment. The goals say big businesses can go ahead and pollute all they want if they do something to make up for it in another area. Did you know that is what it is all about? Someone, they leave that part out.
The climate change scare campaign is a farce. It is a manufactured “urgent” situation created to control the actions of society. We live a life of constant fear being pummeled at us in every direction—intense propaganda campaigns are everywhere, from the morning news to the “next pandemic.” All purposely contain words and images to keep us in constant fear.
When you feared the virus getting you sick, did you rush out to buy a box of masks? Did you alter your behavior to their liking? The fearmongering went on 24/7, especially in the beginning, and almost all of us fell for it, including me.
It’s Not About Left vs. Right —It’s about “Us vs. Them.”
We have to understand that the government is no longer for the people by the people. The government is now and has been for quite some time, Oligarchs pulling the strings of puppets they put in place to give us an illusion that we have control. Princeton University did a study that concluded we, the people, have zero effectiveness in obtaining our goals through the political voting system.
We now have a government of Corporatism run by the unelected elites. Silicon Valley, Bill Gates, the Clintons, big business, big pharma etc. are all sleeping with our government officials with a revolving door system between The FDA, CDC, WHO, and NIH. They are all controlled by Corporations. The FBI and the intelligence agencies are all controlled by the elites. These organizations are the “Gears of the Machine,” Which will destroy society as we know it.
We are all cogs in the wheel of our own slavery. We are complying and participating in building our own prisons while we are asleep at the wheel. It is time to wake up, research, turn off the mainstream, gather real facts from the de-platformed truth-tellers, make noise, and talk to your friends, family, neighbors and anyone who will listen.
Journalism and the mainstream narrative are the strong arms of the propaganda war, blasting society with misinformation. The purposeful release of false stories intended to manipulate the masses seeped into the culture long ago.
The puppeteers expertly maneuver strings of influence to manipulate the delicate human mind. Billions of dollars are spent in dark and secretive war rooms while malicious bots whisper lies into the cybersphere with the sole aim of distorting public opinion and creating a falsely-generated new reality.
The corporatists control the narrative and silence all those who speak against it. They assault, de-platform, and annihilate the reputations of those who speak against the narrative—destroying the truth-tellers and sending them into the abyss, never to be heard from again. What is next? In China, the disappear the dissenters. Is that how they will want it here? They love the China model.
Transhumanism and the Destruction of Biological Mankind
The Rockefellers have a long and disturbing history involving the eugenics movement, and now they are funding this new transhumanism movement led by Klaus Swabb and the World Economic Forum. Every day, we are fed lies from these devious entities about their plans to blur the line between biology and technology, taking away our humanness in exchange for ‘happiness.’ But if we don’t fight back, the future looks grim: they will masquerade these medical treatments as advances, but they will have the power to control minds and emotions with SMART dust and injectables. We must look into history first to remember what ruthlessness psychopaths were capable of before—and take action to prevent them from repeating it.
Eugenics, from the Greek for “well-born,” is a practice of selective breeding used to enhance humanity. Sir Francis Galton proposed eugenics in the 19th century, believing that intelligence and other traits are passed on through heredity and suggesting more children be born with desirable traits. After World War II’s horrific genocide, eugenics was forever linked to Nazi Germany’s attempt at racial purity. Although some forms are still practiced today, ethical questions linger: Is eugenics a form of psychopathic social engineering? Could it justify discrimination against those with undesirable traits? Or could it offer a way to tackle overpopulation and disease?
The History of Eugenics
In the early 20th century, the idea of eugenics was developed as a way to improve the human population by controlling reproduction. The goal was to produce more “fit” individuals and to reduce the number of “unfit” individuals.
Eugenics programs were first implemented in the United States and Europe. These programs often included forced sterilization of people with mental or physical disabilities. In some cases, people with certain genetic diseases were also sterilized.
Eugenics became increasingly controversial as it was used to justify racism and discrimination. As a result, many eugenics programs were eventually abandoned. However, the ideas behind eugenics still exist today in the transhumanism movement.
Eugenics Rebranded as Transhumanism
In recent years, though, eugenics has come back under the guise of transhumanism. Transhumanists believe that we can and should use technology to enhance our bodies and minds, eventually becoming “post-human.” While this may sound like a positive goal, transhumanism is just a new name for old ideas about Eugenics. Transhumanists advocate using technology to select and engineer desirable traits in future generations, just like the Eugenicists of the past.
There are many dangers associated with transhumanism. First, it could lead to a new form of discrimination based on who does and does not have access to enhancing technologies. Second, transhumanism could be used to justify forced sterilization or other coercive measures to “improve” the human race. Third, as we become more reliant on technology, we could lose our humanity altogether.
The bottom line is that transhumanism is just another name for Eugenics, and it comes with the same dangers. We should be very careful about embracing this new movement without considering all potential consequences. The apparatus they want to implant in us will monitor our vital signs and other bodily functions and send the information off to be stored in the cloud or sent to an A.I. source that will diagnose your illness and have a drone deliver your medication to your door within hours. Sounds great, right? Diabetics will be told their blood sugar is low, eat an orange and things of this nature.
We ask you — If they can control what they monitor in your body functions and send to the cloud, can they not control what the cloud sends back to you? Miss X, you just wrote an article outing our nefarious plan of world domination—we will now send you a racing heart and delusional thoughts. No one will ever listen to you now! An instant lack of credibility and a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia follow, and another is silenced. So you are now saying to yourself I should be a science fiction writer? Well, this technology is already in use and being tested.
Elon Musk’s neuro link is in the human model. It failed miserably in the animal model, killing many monkeys. How did it get to the human model, you ask? The corporatists have no laws, do not have to follow the basic principle of ethics, and if you saw the biological warfare roll out of the toxic vaccine, they do not follow the rule of “Do no harm,” and the Nuremberg code means absolutely nothing to them.
Rockafeller Family Role in Eugenics
The Rockafeller Family has long been involved in the field of eugenics. In the early 1900s, John D. Rockafeller Sr. became interested in the work of eugenicists and began funding their research. His son, John D. Rockefeller Jr., continued this support, and by the 1930s, the family was one of the largest financial backers of eugenics research and programs.
The Rockafellers’ involvement in eugenics was motivated by a desire to improve the human race. They believed that supporting eugenicists’ work could help eliminate genetic diseases and disorders and produce a healthier, happier population. The family’s support for eugenics continued until the 1940s when they began to distance themselves from the movement following its association with Nazi Germany’s criminal program of forced sterilization and extermination of groups deemed “unfit.” Eugenics is alive and well in the minds of the WEF psychopaths.
Feeling Hopeless with this nefarious takeover ushering in a One World Government. Don’t lose hope. We have other articles that will lighten things up a bit.