400,000 to 700,000 Estimated Dead from the Covid-19 Vaccine

Average read time: 5 -7 minutes.  As of December 2021

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of this organization or its staff.

A new scientific study puts the number of deaths from the Covid19 vaccine at a minimum of 400,000 in the United States. Yet, Dr. Jessica Rose very conservatively estimates the number to be 700,000. We believe that a more accurate number is closer to three million—we will discuss the details of our conclusion later.

Dr. Jessica Rose is a highly respected, qualified, experienced Post Doctoral Researcher. She has a Post Doctoral degree in Biochemistry from the Technician Institute of Technology, a Post-Doctoral degree in Molecular Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a Ph.D. in Computational Biology from Bar Ilan University, a Master’s in Medicine (Immunology) from the Memorial University of Newfoundland and a BSc in Applied Mathematics from the Memorial University of Newfoundland.  

The new study says: Existing surveillance studies are not designed to reliably estimate life-threatening events or vaccine-induced fatality rates (VFR). The new study uses the underreporting factor of twenty, whereas Dr. Rose uses what she says is an extremely conservative under-reporting factor of thirty-one. We use the data from several studies that conclude the VAERS system only captures less than one percent and non-conservatively, more realistically uses 99 as the under-reporting factor. No matter which number you agree with, 400,000, 700,000 or over 2 million—this is absolutely beyond acceptable. 

Seven hundred thousand deaths from the Covid19 vaccine are Dr. Rose’s very conservative number. She was interviewed by an internationally renowned expert in health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D., who is also an award-winning investigative journalist. We discuss the issue and summarize the interview.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was created in 1990 by the CDC and FDA to collect and analyze adverse effects associated with vaccines. If you do systematic research using the VAERS system, you will see that the current (underreported) number of Covid19 vaccines deaths in the VAERS system is over 22,000, and you can run reports to see clusters that will clearly show the signals of uncommon occurrences.


Dr. Rose says the products are not safe by any definition.

After one year of these injections, there is a 1700% increase in adverse events compared to all the other vaccines combined over the past 30 years. Why would anyone take the risk if they understood the risk-benefit? They most likely would not—but the establishment hides this truth to make an informed decision.

We learn from the interview that VAERS reporting currently shows 705,791 adverse events. There are over 10,000 different types of adverse events reports from immunological to cardiological and everything in between from the Covid19 vaccine. 

Dr. Rose believes due to the underreporting factor; we need to multiply the VAERS number by thirty-one to one hundred to compensate. She uses the number thirty-one in her final estimate.

There are vast amounts of doctors coming forward reporting that those who control the reporting at VAERS are rejecting their report to VAERS. We believe this new tactic was not used when the former studies were done years ago to determine 1-10% underreporting factor. The numbers may be even lower now.

One doctor had twenty patients with direct adverse events from the vaccine, and VAERS rejected every one of his reports. He says many more people are being injured than they allow us to see. We also saw the numbers drastically drop in real-time one-day several months ago. Regardless of whether you believe something nefarious is going on and look at the numbers currently in the passive reporting system database, the numbers are beyond acceptable.

The deaths to date in the U.S. VAERS system are near 22,000. Dr. Rose using 31, the most moderate under-reporting number puts the death toll at 675,000. There are probably millions and millions worldwide, by her best guess.

When we say we believe the number to be higher, we are not using the most moderate number. We use 1% which several studies concluded to be an accurate under-reporting percentage. One of the Studies.

We also question this number since the study only followed vaccine recipients for thirty days. It is not uncommon for adverse events to show up sixty days later or even longer—so is this underreporting number even lower than 1%? What would it be if you followed them for six months?  The number would be higher in combination with our knowledge of doctors’ reports being turned away from VAERS and hospitals coercing doctors not to report the injuries.

Using the estimate of 1% concluded by the studies puts the under-reporting number at 99 and approximately 2,178,000 deaths. If you were to account for the issues mentioned above, that number would be higher, hence potentially 3 million deaths.


South Africa VAERS, the EU Yellow Card System and the Australian adverse events reporting systems show the same safety signal patterns. They show Myocarditis in children, and the patterns of many other injuries are all similar. They call these patterns “signals.”

Dr. Rose expresses her concern that the people in charge of this injection program are hell-bent on getting this product in the arms of every single man, woman and child in the world—regardless of their individual circumstances. 

Dr. Rose does not look at any data involving cases and deaths. She does not believe this data is even close to accurate. There was a lot of incentivization for the hospitals to report deaths as covid deaths. She says the whole picture is a complete circus and assesses the PCR as 95% inaccurate. Our research shows it to be 97% inaccurate, but either way, with an inaccuracy level this high, you cannot declare a pandemic or have any idea of the true picture.

She says it is bizarre from an immunological point of view, and there is no logic and science behind it referring to the vaccine campaign.

VAERS is already showing injuries in children, which is entirely unacceptable. They are silencing doctors who are fighting back, exposing the truth. They are doing massive smear campaigns attacking the highly credible, including some world-renowned messengers. We commend Dr. Rose for coming forward with the truth because we are sure she will be high on the list of the propaganda war rooms.


From Dr. Rose’s interview with Dr. Gary Null, we learn from her that “the first tidal wave of autoimmune diseases has begun.” The autoimmune disease was part of the exclusion criteria in the phase three trials. This means they purposely kept anyone with an autoimmune illness out of the clinical trials. Was this done as a safety precaution, or was it to skew the data? If they expected adverse events from those with autoimmune diseases, keep them out of the study, so it looks better. Pharma is notorious for and found guilty in criminal courts for falsifying data.

Dr. Rose said if you have an autoimmune issue, you should not go near these products.

Latent viral infections are coming back to the surface; there are MS resurgences. There is a pattern arriving with immune comparison. The innate response is being dysregulated, and this is very serious. Not only are they going to have a worse time when challenged with covid, but they will lose their immunity against the latent viruses dormant in their bodies but also other viruses, fungi, and bacteria. They may become opportunistic infections, which we are starting to see in the literature. She finds this “absolutely terrifying.” Anti-inflammatory and various pro-inflammatory cytokine profiles are completely dysregulated, Killer T-cells are being dysregulated, and almost every person experiences hyper-inflammation.

“If your talking about you’re injecting a product that causes or stimulates inflammatory responses, via the mechanism of action of the spike protein its literally like pouring gasoline on the fire and  We again are seeing that again in the adverse reporting data.”

She concludes her interview by saying, “This whole thing is a constructed lie, and it’s becoming really dangerous.” If people keep injecting themselves with these products, the damages will be cumulative in certain people.


We are putting this here because, since this brave, exceptionally qualified, highly respected doctor will be attacked, discredited and virtually assaulted we want you to understand that the establishment does this to those who speak the truth. They attack the messenger because they cannot disprove the message.


• March 2021 Member of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge
• June 2018-June 2019 Lab Manager – Stand-in Lab Manager, Technion, Israel
• Nov 2018-Jan2020 Mentoring and lab organization duties, Technion, Haifa, Israel
• Jan 2019 Crystallography techniques, Technion, Israel
• Jan 2018 Autodock and Modeller software for computational docking of small molecules
for drug discovery, Technion/TAU, Israel
• April 2017 Attended Molecular Dynamics Workshop, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey
• Nov 2017 Nano Differential Scanning Fluorimetry (Nanodsf) training, Technion, Haifa, Israel
• April 2016 Live Imaging using 2-Photon Microscopy, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
• Feb 2014-June 2015 Lab Demonstrator, The Koret Veterinary School of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Rehovot, Israel
• Nov 2013-June 2015 Molecular Analyst of Rickettsiae as Zoonotic Pathogens (Post-Doc Research),
Koret Veterinary School of Medicine, Rehovot, Israel.
• Oct 2008-Dec2012 CMV/HBV Clinical Data Analyst and Mathematical Modeler (PhD Research), Bar
Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
• June 2003-Sept 2006 HIV Laboratory Researcher (MSc Research), The Health Sciences Centre, St. John’s, NL, Canada
• June 2004 -Sept 2006 Student Lab Researcher (MSc Research), Development and Optimization of Immunological Assays,
The Health Sciences Centre, St. John’s, NL, Canada
• June 2004-Sept 2006 Student Lab Demonstrator, The Health Sciences Centre, St. John’s, NL, Canada
• Jan 20, 2015 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) workshop, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Israel.
• Nov 2014 GIS Training School: Geospatial tools in vector research, Naples, Italy
• May 2009 Workshop on Mathematical Modeling in Biology and Medicine at the Interuniversity Centre
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
• Sept 1999-April 2001 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial
University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada
• Sept 1992-April 2000 University Writing Centre Tutor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada
• Sept 1993-April 1995 University English as a Second Language Tutor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s,
NL, Canada


Rose, J. 2021. A report on the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the COVID-19 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA)
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The Bacillus anthracis virulence-determinant ABC transporter MntBC-A: transport specificity and trans-membrane metal recognition.
(Submitted to PLOS pathogens for review.) Jessica Rose, Oded Lewinson et al.
Intra-host cytomegalovirus gB genotype dynamics in patients with multiple infections. (Submitted to PLOS ONE for review.) Jessica Rose,
Deepali Kumar, Anders Asberg, Anders Hartmann, Alan G Jardine, Angelo A Bignamin, Avidan Neumann, Atul Humar, Vincent C Emery.
Distinct allosteric networks underlie mechanistic speciation of ABC transporters. (April 21, 2020). Burçin Acar, Jessica Rose, Burcu Aykac Fas,
Nir Ben-Tal, Oded Lewinson and Turkan Haliloglu. Structure, Volume 28, Issue 6, 651 – 663.e5.
Vitamin B12 import is all about timing. (July 2018). News and view by Lutz Schmitt Nature Chem Biology. 14; 640–641.
Single-molecule probing of the conformational homogeneity of the ABC transporter BtuCD. (July 2018). Min Yang, Nurit Livnat Levanon,
Burçin Acar, Burcu Aykac Fas, Gal Masrati, Jessica Rose, Nir Ben-Tal, Turkan Haliloglu, Yongfang Zhao and Oded Lewinson. Nature Chem
Biology. 14; 715–722.
Novel decay dynamics revealed for virus mediated drug activation in cytomegalovirus infection. (May 2017). Rose J, Emery VC, Kumar D,
Asberg A, Hartmann A, Jardine AG, Bignamini AA, Humar A, Neumann AU. PLoS Pathog. 2017 May 10;13(5):e1006386.
Genetic characterization of spotted fever group rickettsiae in questing ixodid ticks collected in Israel and environmental risk factors for their
infection. (March 2017). Rose J. et al. Parasitology. 2017 Jul;144(8):1088-1101.
The highly synergistic, broad spectrum, antibacterial activity of organic acids and transition metals. (March 2017) Zhitnitsky D, Rose J,
Lewinson O. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 15;7:44554.
L-glutamine Induces Expression of Listeria monocytogenes Virulence Genes. (Jan 2017) Haber A, Friedman S, Lobel L, Burg-Golani T, Sigal N,
Rose J, Livnat-Levanon N, Lewinson O, Herskovits AA. PLoS Pathog. 2017 Jan 23;13(1):e1006161.
Human Cytomegalovirus Kinetics Following Institution of Artesunate after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. (April 2011). Wolf DG,
Shimoni A, Resnick IB, Stamminger T, Neumann AU, Chou S, Efferth T, Caplan O, Rose J, Nagler A, Marschall M. Clinical Virology Unit,
Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel. Antiviral Res. 2011 Jun; 90(3): 183–186.
Kinetic modeling of Hepatitis B Virus: the relationship between HBeAg and viral kinetics. Jessica Rose. Mina and Everard Faculty of Life
Sciences, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel – in progress; manuscript to be submitted.
Kinetics of Chronic Human Viruses – Comparative Analysis of Bio-Mathematical Models and their Clinical Implications. (2013). Jessica Rose,
Doctoral Thesis, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
Dynamical Systems Analysis of HIV Immunopathogenesis and the Effects of Antiretroviral Treatment Interruption. (2006). Jessica Rose,
Master’s Thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

Honors and Awards

• Invited speaker on the Gary Null Radio Show, Wendy Bell Radio, An Informed Life Radio show, Netherland News Live and The Ripple
Effect Podcast, CBC Radio Show
• FIRST PLACE at PRO longboard event in Herzliyya, Israel – National champion female Longboarder – currently ranked third in
• PDF grant awarded for PDF position at Technion
• PDF stipend awarded for PDF position at Hebrew University of Jerusalem
• Bar Ilan University President’s Scholarship – ‘Outstanding PhD Degree Student’
• Certificate of Gratitude for teaching autistic children to surf
• Zeta Zaltas Award (15th Annual Immunology Graduate Student Research Forum)
• Honorable Mention (International MCM: The Mathematical Contest in Modeling), The Consortium of Mathematics and
its Applications
• Member of the Newfoundland and Labrador Literacy Coalition (youngest member ever invited)
• Awarded 1st place in a National Video Competition to promote literacy sponsored by the United Nations