Upon receipt of your membership dues, we will send you an updated membership identification card for each individual in your family.

If you are new to Planetism, our religion will teach you about living a natural lifestyle to promote a better way of living. Would you please come to our weekly sermon before joining? You must want a more natural lifestyle where we guide you to remove toxicity from your life and mind to the best of your ability. You do not have to abandon your current religion. Our religion can be a compliment to your current beliefs. Many members commit solely to our religion, but several practice two religions.


  • Access our weekly sermons via the internet to participate in discussions where we guide you to live a more natural life.
  • Help with writing Religious Exemption to Vaccination letters and legal referrals if needed.
  • Invitations to our fundraising events include photography classes, nature walks, outdoor survival classes and many outdoor events that are good for your health and our planet.
  • Discounts on our products that we promote as fundraisers for the church.
  • Discounts on Life Coaching – Fast Track to Better Health.
  • Access all of our artwork for printed materials for your advocacy efforts. (signs, flyers, brochures etc.)
  • Becoming a member is the first step towards becoming a Governor/Governess.
  • We have several programs in the making and will announce them shortly.
  • Your membership fee goes to administrative costs and our community programs.


You can donate as many memberships as you would like. Many come to our meetings but struggle financially in this day of inflation. We will give them a membership in your name.

Our Donation Money goes towards our educational research, printing materials, and all costs associated with spreading the word.


Indemnification/Hold Harmless – Members shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Assembly, its officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, or liabilities for injury or death of any person, or for loss or damage to property, which arises out of this agreement or from any activity, work or thing done, permitted, or suffered by User, its employees, contractors and volunteers in or about the Premises, and through any knowledge obtained or advice given to members.

It is up to the member to verify all information and consult with any third party, and the decision to take the advice is up to the remember. By providing the information contained herein, we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.


Individual Membership – $59.00

Individual Membership - yearly


Pay now

Couple Membership – $109.00

Two Memberships


Pay now

Additional Memberships

Additional Memberships


Pay now

Please fill out your name and address for your membership cards. 

Send us Members Name & Address for ID Cards

2 + 0 = ?


Become a leader and get installed to be a Governess/Governor or Minister.

You can perform weddings and funerals.  If you are called to spread the word, you can become a governor/governess in a relatively short amount of time. If you believe in holistic health, connecting with nature, keeping the mind, body and soul free of toxins and would like to spread the word, you could be a fit with our Church.

  • Perform Weddings and Funerals Legally
  • Training is provided

The fee is to cover our costs of materials and training. You can be trained quickly and easily at your convenience. It can be done remotely. Please get in touch with us to see if you qualify.  You must have a strong and proven belief in keeping the body free of toxins and the belief in a higher power that guides us through intuition.

FEE: One-time fee of $255.00

Once Ordained, Get Your Governor Certification

See the fee box at the bottom of the page. If you are declined for Governorship, your fee will be refunded minus the 3% processing fee. The background check fee is not refundable.

Our Ministers will perform the ceremony after completing your training and required hours of service.


To become a minister of the Assembly, you must have previously held the governor/governess position. You can create your Church group in your location.  Please email us, and we will call you to discuss further details.

DISCLAIMER – READ BEFORE ENTERING: This website is for information purposes only; we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any disease or medical condition by providing the information contained herein. Before beginning any natural treatment regimen, seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.