

It has never been more important than now to take action and do your part in the battle for civil liberties


Our Stand – The Mandate to Vaccinate – Religious Apartheid

  • Tenants of our Religion – Our religion does not allow for the injection of this foreign, never before used in humans, potentially lethal substance into our bodies. We do not put any vaccines in our bodies. Countries are planning to roll out vaccine passports in the same fashion as we see in Isreal’s medical apartheid. Denying the investigational drug they call a vaccine that creates a toxic pathogen in the body is our right. This practice of tyranny will create a second-class society stripped of their civil rights. We do not put any vaccine whatsoever in our bodies.
  • Taking an unnatural gene-based injection is against the core of our religious beliefs. Taking this product does not give immunity to the virus, nor does it take away the person’s ability to spread it to others. Mandating this potentially deadly product which is disabling and killing many, is beyond ludicrous. It is against our religious beliefs, and this mandate to take the Covid19 vaccine violates our Assembly’s religious beliefs and therefore violates our civil rights.
  • It is against our civil rights for the government to force any medical treatment upon us and against medical ethicists. Vaccine passports also breach our privacy. To deny freedoms such as going into a restaurant based upon vaccination status is discrimination and violates our rights not to be discriminated against.
  • Being discriminated against because we do not believe in or allow vaccinations based upon religious beliefs is Religious Apartheid and a violation of our civil rights to religious freedoms, protected by our Constitution of these United States of America. The pharmaceutical industry, which has integrated itself within our government, will not dictate that we will be segregated as a community. We will stand against this practice that takes away our freedoms as it mimics the Nazi-era efforts to segregate and destroy human life. We will, with all of our might, stand against this tyrannical attack against our Assembly members and all of humanity.
  •  We urge you to stand up for your right to decline an experimental medical intervention and say no to any form of coercion that attempts to tie vaccination to rights like gainful employment, school attendance or access to public spaces or accommodations. Let your elected officials know that vaccine passports are a form of institutionalized segregation and must be opposed at all costs.
  • It is our rule that we do not influence anyone or any organization when it comes to those running for elected political positions.  We cannot favor any political candidate in the running, but we can encourage you to vote and get your voice heard in any way possible.

Are We Still In a Democracy?

We discuss our position on the COVID-19 vaccine on this page.

Please join us as we fight back against medical and religious tyranny by becoming a member for as little as $59.00. Please help us spread the word about a religious exemption to vaccination and your right to decline toxic elements in your body without discrimination.

If you are not interested in membership, please consider a donation of any amount. Thank you.