We offer education, motivation, and inspiration to help you find a better way of life. We teach holistic healing and how to cure disease naturally.
Our spiritual group offers a complementary addition to your current religious belief system. You do not need to abandon your beliefs; instead, you can incorporate your spirituality into your existing practices. Our teachings and practices extend what you already hold dear, enriching and complementing your spiritual journey. We invite you to join us on this path of spiritual growth and exploration, embracing both old and new aspects of your faith.
Within our group, members are immersed in the world of holistic healing and taught to cure their diseases through natural means. We provide them with essential information, but it is ultimately up to each individual to work alongside their healthcare providers to implement these changes. Through our teachings, members learn how to steer clear of toxic pharmaceuticals and eliminate them from their lives, reclaiming their innate well-being. Together, we support one another as we avoid harmful pesticides and toxic products, all while restoring our health.
Moreover, our community stands for unity, promoting natural health and healing, freedom, liberty, and truth. We strive to unite the human race and end the divisions perpetuated by external forces.
We offer a Zoom meeting for educational and motivational purposes. We discuss and support each other in obtaining clean eating and healthy living goals. Members discuss our tenants (which cover many subjects), keep the tenants, and reinforce abiding by the tenants. We offer suggestions on making it easier to abide by them and educate people on why they should follow them for more straightforward, cleaner, healthier living that is good for our planet.
During meetings, we do not talk against the tenants and the fundamental principles of our religion, here is why.
Please understand this one rule before attending meetings. This new format allows members to discuss the subjects after the meeting, and we must strictly adhere to these two rules.
We believe in freedom of thought and the right to one’s own beliefs. We have core principles, and you can disagree with some of them, but we ask you not to discuss an opposing belief in the main meeting when we are trying to support those who believe in them.
- We do not contradict our speakers in our public forum when they give to the group.
If you have any evidence to dispute the meeting’s claims, send it in an email. We don’t refute speakers publicly; instead, evidence of inaccuracy will be reviewed and discussed at the next meeting.